Shutting down discrimination: how to support it

A while ago I posted on FB news of the Catholic Charities in Illinois preferring to leave kids out in the cold rather than be “forced” to not discriminate against gay parents (in order to receive millions of dollars in tax money from the state).

Well, good riddance to them, as I said back then. Secular groups (that don’t feel that having two moms or two dads is actually worse than being abandoned) stepped up and took over the kids’ cases to make sure they didn’t fall through the gaps. A lot of my friends (you online folks especially) had good, interesting comments and responses to the discussion.

Here’s a chance to put your money where your “Like” is: this is the Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley, one of the groups that stepped up. I think they are worthy of a little of your consideration and thanks this year. Theirs is the kind of supportive, non-discriminatory help we should be encouraging, and the best way to help promote their cause is by donating.

It bugs me to an unreasonable degree that you can skip the wait list for a popular book at the local library by paying for it. I’m not even sure I could articulate why, either, other than some incoherent mumbling about “social contracts”. It’s like the library saying “sure, sure, we’re a public service, available to everyone… but if you give us a little extra money, we’ll let you shaft the next person in line.”

I bet there’s at least one crazy Y2K holdout still in his bunker, finally running out of MREs, sick and tired of peeing into a can, thinking about peeking his head out to see if there’s anything left to salvage from the detritus of civilization’s remains.

And since he’s been in there for 12 years, he doesn’t know about the Mayans. LOL dumbass!

The 99% is the 1% times 99

As it turns out, rich people are just like regular people, but with more money.

Just like none of us believe that we would have been slave owners / allowed ourselves to be slaves if we had lived in the 1700s, we all like to believe that we’re better people and would have risen above, given the same circumstances… but the odds are stacked pretty highly against that. And the odds are also pretty high that the 99% would behave exactly the same way the 1% does, given massive piles of cash.  Money changes everything, as the 18th century Austrian philosopher Cyndi Lauper once said.

This concept doesn’t forgive bad behavior on anyone’s part, it’s not in any way a justification for terrible things done in the past, but it does help in the discussion, in my opinion: “they” (the 1%) are not the Faceless Other. “They” are us; “they” respond to similar incentives, and demonizing people who are just as human as you are doesn’t help any of us advance the conversation.

That being said, the rich eat more foie gras, so they are less stringy and much tastier.